
Free Josh Wolf Coalition

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Free Josh Wolf Coalition


The Free Josh Wolf Coalition is a made up of a growing list of organizations and individuals from around the country who support Josh Wolf and consider his imprisonment unjust and a violation of the freedom of the press as guaranteed by the US Consititution. The coalition calls on the Federal Government to immediately release Josh. All members of the Coalition have signed on to the following Statement.



Free Josh Wolf Coalition Statement


We the undersigned are united and firmly resolved in support of freelance journalist and videographer, Josh Wolf, who is in coercive custody at the Federal Correctional Facility in Dublin, California because of his principled and courageous stand in defense of the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech, of the press, and of peaceable assembly.


In September 2006, he was forced to re-enter a Federal Penitentiary for refusal to turn over his news footage from a July 2005 protest to a Federal Grand Jury because of his journalistic principles. Josh has repeatedly stated and signed a declaration under oath that there is nothing in his footage, which relates to the police investigation.  He has not committed nor been charged with a crime and we consider his incarceration to be an obvious and grave injustice.


We are deeply grateful to Josh for the bravery and fortitude he has shown in refusing to compromise our rights as US citizens even at the cost of wrongful imprisonment.


As it is the sworn duty of elected leaders in a free society to preserve, protect and defend constitutional freedoms, we call upon local, state, and federal officials to join us in taking a public stand on Josh’s behalf.  We call upon the United States government to release Josh immediately from coercive custody.



Please join the Coaltion and get your organization to join! Contact andy.blue(AT)yahoo.com

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