

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Celebration and Benefit with David Rovics

Quarter Page Flier for distribution

Josh was released from prison today! April 3rd 2007!





Josh's blog

Click to Sign




Email address:

for weekly update

     About Josh's Case:

Josh Wolf is an independent journalist and blogger who refused to turn over unpublished video out-takes to a federal grand jury investigating a July, 2005 anti-G8 demonstration. Josh has never been convicted of a crime. He is being held on civil contempt in an effort to coerce him to testify and turn over his unpublished material to a federal grand jury. Josh was released on bail September 1st but was ordered to return to prison on September 22nd pending a hearing before the entire 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. .

We, his friends and family, are maintaining this wiki to keep you up to date on Josh's case.

MOV of Josh telling his story "In Three Acts"


Ways you can help Josh right now

Write a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Join the Free Josh Wolf Coalition

Send Josh letters to show your support and help keep his spirits up!

Send a book to Josh.

Read his blog from prison.

Join the Support Josh Wolf Email List

Add Free Josh Coalition as a friend on: my space, facebook, and tribe.net

Donate to his legal fund via Paypal

Post support Josh banners on your blogs and websites: Banners

Print out flyers and distribute them: Flyers

For more ideas please go to Help Support Josh








New banners to put on your blog and website !

3 designs: Flyers and Graphics

Created by: Moak47



Legal Update: Grumbles Motion and Discovery filed on Josh Wolf’s behalf 01/22/06: Press Release


On November 16 Josh was denied his request for a rehearing by a three-judge panel of the Ninith Circuit Court of Appeals. Read the New York Times article. Josh is petitioning the district court for a full release or Thanksgiving furlough. This hearing will take place on the 21st of November. Check back here for an update.


Josh's first statement as a free man: 4/3/07 Delivered at 5:00PM in front of SF City Hall


Josh wins the Herbert Block Freedom Award from the Newspaper Guild - Communication Workers of America


IMPORTANT!: Write a letter to US Attorney Scott Schools


Josh’s Acceptance Speech: SPC Monroe Award 3/13/07


Statement from Josh: Mediation 3/8/07


Thank you, all of you!: From Josh and Liz


Press Conference: Statement From Josh's Press Conference


Press Conference: Statement from Liz Wolf-Spada, Josh’s Mom


Free Josh Press Conference: February 6th 2007 12NOON


Josh Wolf 169th Day in Prison Benefit: February 6th 2007 8PM


Bad News on Josh’s Case: Update from Josh's mom


Please write your congressperson: Open letter (sample) to Congressman Conyers and others


Josh’s Speech for his Benefit 12/7/06: Josh’s Benefit Speech Dec 7th


FREE JOSH WOLF EVENT in San Francisco: December 7th, 7:30PM: Benefit Info


Update from Josh's Father 12/1: Communication is an inalienable right


Update from Josh's Mother 11/28: We visited Josh last weekend…




New Flyers About Josh: Flyers and Graphics Flyer PDF


Josh's Speech from the SPJ Awards Dinner: SPJ Award Speech


Josh Wins Society of Professional Journalists' Journalist of the Year Award: Journalist of the Year Award


Josh Wins Vloggy Awards: Vloggy Award


Josh Responds to The Chronicle: An Open Letter to Demian Bulwa at the Chronicle


Josh Responds to The Digital Journalist: My Response to “The Digital Journalist”


Update from Josh's Mother: Visited Josh in Dublin today


A statement on Josh's case from his new attorney Martin Garbus: What is going out to media from Josh’s lawyer


Society of Professional Journalists Donates 30K to Josh's Legal Defense

SPJ Donation


CA State Assembly and SF Board of Supervisors Calls for National Journalist Shield Law

Groups Supporting Bay Area Journalist Encouraged By Federal Shield Law Push

Assembly Joint Resolution 31

San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Assemblyman Leno Expresses Support for Josh Wolf


Continued Support for Inmates at FCI Dublin

Josh has requested that his friends and supporters write to the 12 other inmates being held in unit J-2 at FCI Dublin.

Go to: Write Josh Letters for their addresses and letter writing tips

Please support other activists resisting Grand Juries: Other Grand Juries

For a list of more prisoners who need your support go to: Links


Josh's Letters From Prison

Half-Past the Halfway House

Dublin’s Dirty Laundry

No One is Illegal: Slavery in the New American Century

The Alarm Clock

Martin Sobell’s On Doing Time

Criminal Negligence and Willful Negligence

A Year Ago, Josh Asked Us to Protest the War in Iran

The State of the Media

Yahoo! You Witness News and Work for Free

A Day in the Life of Inmate # 98005-111 AKA Josh Wolf

A Canary in a Coal Mine

The Ten Commandments of Iraq

Because Voting Is Never Enough

In Memoriam: Brad Will

My Response to “The Digital Journalist”

Happy Birthday, Kurt Vonnegut!

Recidivism, or the Revolving Door

When Security Isn’t

I Think I Thought a Thought-Crime

When PC isn’t “Politically Correct”

Correspondences between Jackson West and Josh

Something’s Rotten in the State of Dublin

From Dublin With Love



By Josh Wolf


My pen is a knife

Stabbing at the bitter truth

My camera is a gun

Shooting reality at 30 frames-per-second.

And my voice is a cannon

Booming into the night, a rallying cry.


I am a prisoner of war.

Captured in the campaign to destroy the press.

A political prisoner accused of no crime,

Another casualty in a civil war for civil liberties.


Free Josh Wolf: The Video

HTML code to blog this video



Josh Poster by Keith Whetstone

This screen-printed poster

was created by Josh Whetstone.

Proceeds to the Support Josh Fund.


Add Free Josh Coalition as your friend on Myspace www.myspace.com/freejoshwolf


Put the word out about this wiki:
Just copy and past this code:
<a href="http://freejosh.pbwiki.com/">

<img border="0" src="http://freejosh.pbwiki.com/badge.php" /></a>

Comments (5)

Anonymous said

at 5:15 pm on Aug 8, 2006

Hey Ben,

I fooled around with this front page a bit. I'm not used to html so if you see any mistakes or anything could you please fix it?

Thanks! Sam

Bernard (ben) Tremblay said

at 6:33 pm on Aug 8, 2006

Awww geeesh yuh scared me! the history showed big chunks deleted huh huh Do me a fave? Log in when you edit? K. Things look fine, but I'm gonna try to move most of the stuff in those Updates to the Update page ... just cuz that's the sorta guy I am. *grin* stay well
Ummm ... I deleted the "table" stuff: best, I think, so's folk chip in, to keep HTML simple as possible, e.g. not "table" if there's some other way.


p.s. I emailed you. no?

Bernard (ben) Tremblay said

at 8:09 pm on Feb 14, 2007

A show of hands, please: Who feels that this homepage is attractive ... warm and welcoming? Ok, now who thinks it looks like everything has just been piled into it like old clothes into a shipping crate?



Anonymous said

at 11:53 am on Feb 22, 2007

thanks ben. wanna help us spruce it up?

Anonymous said

at 2:17 pm on Mar 2, 2007

Thank you Ben! :)

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