There are lots of thing we can all be doing to help Josh.
Here are the top 10 ways
1) SEND LETTERS and maintain correspondence with Josh while he is incarcerated. We need to let Josh know that we are thinking of him and supporting his courageous and important stand. Click here for info on how to send a letter to Josh
2) SEND A BOOK to Josh. Find Josh's book wish list and info on how to get him a book here
3) READ HIS BLOG from prison. Josh's blog is still being updated by his family and friends. Letters from Josh will be posted as they are received.
Click here for Josh's Blog
4) DISTRIBUTE FLYERS about his case: Flyers
5) DONATE to Josh's support fund via Paypal
6) PLAN BENEFIT CONCERTS AND EVENTS to raise money. There have been several concerts and fundraisers thrown recently to support Josh. If you are interested in hosting a concert or other type of fundraiser please contact Josh's support team at: freejosh(at)joshwolf.net so we can assist you with publicizing your event.
7) JOIN AND PARTICIPATE in the Support Josh Wolf Email List
8) PROMOTE JOSH'S CASE. Write letters and articles of support for Josh to your local media. Blog about his case. Link to his blog and wiki.
Post "support Josh" banners on your blogs and webpages.
9) SEND LETTERS to the other inmates who are being incarcerated along with Josh at FCI Dublin. You can get their contact information at Prison and Prisoner Support
10) BECOME INVOLVED WITH THE SUPPORT TEAM. Email: freejosh(at)joshwolf.net or the Email List if you are interested in getting more involved. We still need people willing to help with tech support, organizing, fundraising, graphic design, publicity, media and legal support. Send an email to the support team indicating how you would like to help and we will plug you in!
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