
Other Grand Juries

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Other Grand Juries


For complete listings of grand jury resisters and information on their cases visit:






Sami Al-Arian

A Florida professor who was indicted (along with 7 others) by a Florida Grand Jury. He was accused of supporting the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and plead to 57 months in prison as part of a plea agreement. His release date was set for April 13, 2007. He is now being subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury in another terrorism-related case in Virginia. He could face up to 18 more months if charged with contempt for refusing to testify before the grand jury.

More information at: Sami Al-Arian Coverage


Oakland Medical Marijuana

Grand Jury convened to investigate new information surrounding the prior indictment of Ed Rosenthal. individuals have been subpoenaed. They are currently invoking their constitutional rights and are refusing the federal government's offer of immunity.

More information at: Medical Marijuana Grand Jury


Animal Rights Grand Jury

10 people, ranging from animal and environmental activists to independent media members and progressives, were served in late-spring, 2005, with subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury. This grand jury is being viewed as an attempt to frighten activists and disable the animal rights and other movements.

For more information go to: Animal Rights Grand Jury


Black Panther Resisters

Former Black Panthers Ray Boudreaux, John Bowman, Richard Brown, Hank Jones, and Harold Taylor, were subpoenaed to the SF Grand Jury in October 2005, but refused to cooperate. In an attempt to coerce testimony, the government then imprisoned the five in Bay Area jails for the life of the Grand Jury. However, they all remained strong, resistant, and non-cooperative throughout, and all were released

8/4/06: Support John Bowman - former Panther - medical crisis

For more information go to: Black Panther Grand Jury



Jeff Hogg

On May 18th, Jeff Hogg was held in contempt and jailed by Judge Hogan after refusing to testify before a federal grand jury investigating alleged arson cases in the pacific northwest. On November 15th, Jeff Hogg was released from Grant's Pass after being detained for nearly six months for refusing to testify. Jeff's lawyer, Paul Loney, informed the prosecution of his intent to file more motions to obtain his release. The prosecution then decided to release him rather than fight these motions.



Two San Francisco Chronicle reporters were ordered jailed September 21st for a maximum 18 months for refusing to testify about who leaked them secret grand jury testimony from Barry Bonds and other athletes. They are currently free pending an appeal hearing which is set for Feb. 12 2007.

For more information go to: Balco Coverage


A federal appeals court rejected a bid to free Barry Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson, who was recently re-jailed for refusing to testify to a grand jury investigating Bonds. Anderson currently is being held at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin.

For more information go to: Bonds Trainer Coverage




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