
Statements of Support

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Letters and Statements of Support For Josh


Society to Protect Journalists Gives 30K for Josh's Defense


Greenwood Earth Alliance


Assemblyman Leno Expresses Support for Josh Wolf


San Francisco Board of Supervisors


The Huffington Post


Reporters Without Borders


Society of Professional Journalists



Fellow Journalist Judith Miller gives statement of support:




Josh with San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly 9/21


Josh with San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly at the Free Josh Wolf / Free the Media Event on the eve of Josh's return to prison


Josh and filmmaker Kevin Epps


Josh with filmmaker Kevin Epps just before returning to the Federal Correction Facility in Dublin, CA on 9/22




Postings from Bloggers and Supporters


Post your support for Josh at: http://www.joshwolf.net/blog/


"Just so we're clear... I would defy the court order too. And I have some interesting video down the pike...

Josh Wolf is an American hero." http://www.blogactive.com


"Blogging was a helluva lot easier when all we wrote about was our cats." http://www.buzzmachine.com/


"A guy I know, Josh Wolf, was just thrown in jail for refusing to hand over some videotapes he made of a July 2005 demonstration in San Francisco. The San Francisco Chronicle has the details. The government has scary powers and is using them. Interesting to watch this case evolve and see how Josh is using his blog to get word out to his friends. Josh, on his blog, writes that he is planning to appeal this case all the way. That’ll cost $10,000 to $15,000 in legal fees. Whew." http://scobleizer.wordpress.com/


"This is a direct attack on freedom of speech and the expression of dissent that one often hears about in countries with extensively repressive governments such as China. Surely an appeal will be filed and the case will go to the 9th Circuit, but it may not be until next summer." http://www.everythingbetween.com/free-josh-wolf/


"I was there when Judge Alsup delivered his verdict. That was a huge shock for me & everyone else who came out to support him. He stood up to the federal government & its movement-destroying weapon-of-choice grand juries by refusing to give up his videotapes of the 2005 anti-G8 protest. By putting him in prison, Alsup basically took it upon himself to make an example of my friend. As a warning to other activists to cooperate with anti-activist grand juries." -Dee Allen


"Josh showed alot of courage the other day and stood up to some bullies. The government has abused is power with this grand jury and has made excuses to for the demanding of the video tape. They say that they are investigating the attempted arson of a police car. But that tape can be used for other purposes such as identifying other protestors in the crowd. The govt. should not be alowed to use the incidents of that night to go on a witchhunt for others. Nor should the power of a grand jury be abused to further other investigations of that night. I believe that Josh knew that these were the real reasons behind the government’s demand for his video and he stood up. I am proud of him for that. I think we all should be. He is truly a good freind. I will be thinking of him as I go to trial." -Gabe Meyers


"keep up the fight…dont give in…and good luck." -John


"In support of your son I have translated an article from French newpaper Le Monde on my blog on the site of Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. So far, we’re all with you on this." -Rob van Kan http://www.volkskrantblog.nl/bericht/65808


"Desde Andalucía, Spain, mi total apoyo a la causa de Josua. La justicia americana es inmoral en mucho de sus aspectos.

Por desgracia es un ejemplo que esta proliferando en el planeta. Saludos y mucha suerte en la lucha por la justicia.-El Lobo


"Dear Liz and Josh, Pay no attention to the crackpots and their negative comments. I admire you for your principled stand. We are indeed quickly becoming a facist police state. Only brave citizens such as Josh can prevent further erosion of our democracy. Many will be supporting you and demanding your release. Stay well and do not lose faith." -Jim Kelly


"The struggle for parity is one that we should all support, because it is a struggle for a diverse and independent press. So many major stories have been broken by online news organizations that there can no longer be a reasonable doubt about the need for online reporting and commentary. Media consolidation makes our presence even more important. We should all stand in solidarity with those who are brave and unfortunate enough to have to defend their first amendment rights from an overreaching government." http://www.atcenternetwork.com/


"Spreading the word as time permits here in madison (we actually still believe in press freedom here). regardless of your decision about continuing your incarceration, know that we support what you do." -nb-


-A big hug for Josh and -A boot to the ass o’da man! -xFlu


Our best wishes are with Josh and his family. Good luck! http://spend2wealth.blogspot.com/2006/08/blogger-goes-to-jail.html


"Keep it up, my friend. As both a blogger, and working member of the group most courts call “the media” i.e., someone with credentials working for a media company, I’ve often come across the situation you’ve faced here. The truth is that if we give our tape to the prosecutors and others upon subpoena, we become defacto members of the police department, not members of the media." http://www.arkansastonight.com/


"Dear Liz Wolf-Spad, Dear Josh Wolf, Message from Rome, Italy. Please know that many Americans outside the US watch constantly what is going on in our country… but we also observe more of what is going on in the world. There are very dangerous things happening to people’s participation in the United States. We support people like you, and believe in what you believe in… Prayers and thoughts of encouragement are with you today. Do not be discouraged or feel that what has happened is without a reason. Stand firm: civil liberties have never been in so much peril in US history. I shall spread this story and the blog site to peace and activist groups in Rome. With very best wishes. -Jeremiah


"Solidarity from the UK - authoritarian goverments must be challeneged and this only happens with courage from people like you" -Mancunian


"solidarity with Josh from france thank you for your courage on this fight keep acting for the truth, we think about you all over the world" -erin


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