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Where is the Outrage

Page history last edited by Bernard (ben) Tremblay 18 years, 1 month ago

Where is the outrage from the Blogosphere ?!

Tom Foremski

Fridays with Foremski (SFGate.com)



Josh Wolf, a video blogger was arrested on Tuesday for refusing to give up a video to a grand jury. He cited responsibility to protect his sources and he now languishes in jail and has legal bills of more than $75,000.


Mr. Wolf is the first blogger to be targeted in this way. We wrote about it on Silicon Valley Watcher, and Laura Locke, also wrote about it on Time.com, noting that Mr Wolf is making a stand on a very important issue. He is standing up for the rights of state legal protections afforded to independent journalists and those in established media.


Why isn't the blogosphere up in arms about this issue? Why isn't big media helping out with its lawyers and money and influence? Mr Wolf is languishing in a detention center in Dublin, CA, and could be there until next July! Mr Wolf's mother is operating his web site and appealing for financial help.

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